which is valid from date 01.03.2018
Current Privacy Policy provides information data management of ROZSNYAI HANDMADE SHOES (www.rozsnyaishoes.com) online store operated by the La-Belly 2001 Kft. (head office: Rákóczi u. 65, Debrecen, 4024 Hungary, tax nr.: 12757424-2-09), as data manager. Data manager considers the content of this Policy as compulsory for itself and states that all information within this policy comply with the applicable legal requirements.
Scope of affected: Users and visitors of the site, who accept the content of this Policy and consent to data handling by using this website.
Data Handler reserves the right to unilaterally modify current Policy any time. Of course in such case we inform the affected.
If we are intented to use personal data for a purpose that is different from the stated in table below, we’ll contact the data provider by all means, who can give consent or forbid usage of the data for different purpose.
Gathered data by our company through this online store will never by sold, nor forwarded for any third party for marketing reason.
Current document can downloaded in pdf by clicking here.
Data Manager Profile:
Service provider Name: La-Belly 2001 Kft.
Head Office and mailing address of Provider: Rákóczi u. 65, Debrecen, 4024 Hungary
e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company registration number: 09-09-008460
Tax number: 12757424-2-09
Phone: +36 30 95 84 277, +36 30 24 77 340
Data management registration number:
In case of operation of a webshop, it is not necessary to apply for data protection registration if data management is realized strictly in connection with the purchase of the product - such as invoicing, shipping and delivery.
For newsletter: NAIH-139661/2018
Hosting provider: LinuxWeb Informatikai Kft. (www.linuxweb.hu)
Aims of data management
Providing data in our web store is voluntary, but the plea of data handling may be based on the following parts of hungarian laws: 2001. CVIII. Act 13/A. §, 2011. CXII. Act 5. § (1) paragraph a) and 2008. XLVIII. Act 6. § (5) paragraph.
If you provide someone else’s data, you are obliged to acquire the consent of the 3rd party who’s data was provided.
Purpose of data management, scope of gathered data, length of data handling can be found summarized in the table below:
Gathered data | Aim of data management | Handled data | Length of data management |
Data of website visitors | creation of anonymous visit statistics |
| 10 years from visit |
Data necessary for registration and ordering |
Data necessary for newsletter subscription | for sending newsletter, promotion, direct marketing about actual discounts, new products or news about our company |
| Until un-subscription (until withdrawal of contribution) |
Data necessary for Card and online payments | Accomplish online card or paypal payment via our partner |
Customer e-mails | For answering inquiries and accepting orders |
| 5 years after case closure |
The website may contain links that point to or arrive from other servers, through which the opreators of those servers may collect data of our visitors. These links are not associated with the provider of this website. We use the services of the following 3rd parties:
• Our visit statistics is powered by Google Analytics. More information: www.google.com/analytics/.
• For customized ads (that may appear later while browsing) we use Google Adwords services. More information: https://www.google.hu/adwords
Our online store uses cookies, which also collect data of the users. Our Cookie Policy can be viewed here: www.rozsnyaishoes.com/en/cookie-policy
Data processing
Data handler doesn’t check given data. Solely that person is responsible for the adequacy and authenticity of data, who provided it. When you enter your email address, you are responsible for ensuring that the specified email address is used exclusively by you. The e-mail address registrant have all the responsibility associated with entering our website with the provided e-mail address.
Our following partners are entitled to know and use the listed data:
• In case of Online payment our company co-operates with (K&H Bank Zrt, Lechner Ödön fasor 9., 1095 Budapest, Hungary OR PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. (R.C.S. Luxembourg B 118 349) payment providers by forwarding the below described data. Our company never forward more data that is absolutely required to fulfill the payment:
o transaction ID
o list of purchased items
o Amount of transaction
o transaction date and time
Conditions and Information of our payment providers can be fount here:
Payment steps info can be fount in our GTC:
• Our contracted Shipping partners for delivery are DPD Hungária Kft. (head office: Késmárk u. 14/B., 1158 Budapest, Hungary, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Phone: +36 1 501 6200) and the TNT EXPRESS HUNGARY KFT. (II. Logisztikai központ - Irodaépület, BUD Nemzetközi Repülőtér 283. ép. A, 1185 Budapest, Hungary, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Phone: +36 80 31 31 31) In case of shipping we forward the following data:
o Name
o shipping address
o phone number
o sometimes e-mail address
o content of package
o In case of NON-EU customer: all data from the invoice: name, invoice address, product names and prices.
You can get more info about shipping on the following websites:
o http://www.rozsnyaishoes.com/en/order-info/order-process#5-pick-shipping-method
o https://www.dpd.com/hu
o https://www.tnt.com/
In specific cases our partners may use other companies’ services for delivery, usually outside of Europe. In such cases the data mentioned before will be forwarded for the partners of our partner companies also.
• Other external contributory/data manager (eg.: accountant/accountant company), or if customer asks for different shipping, usually Hungarian Post (Magyar Posta Zrt.) and it’s partners may know the scope of user data.
• We call our customers’ attention, that authorized organizations may request data from Data Handler by statutory authorization. Our company keeps records of such data service.
Our company is not responsivle for data management practice of our partners.
The scope who has acces to the data:
• employees of La-Belly 2001 Kft.
• Webhosting service provider of website: LinuxWeb Informatikai Kft. (www.linuxweb.hu)
Data security
The La-Belly 2001 Kft. is committed to protect the customer and partner data handled by it. Our company handles all personal data confidential and takes the necessary security measures for data security.
Accordingly the data are protected by protected by a data protection system and is therefore not accessible to unauthorized persons, and certain data is encrypted.
Our hosting provider will do its utmost to protect the data, provide data integrity with server and application-level security, protect data against unauthorized access and alteration, theft, transmission, disclosure, destruction and deletion. In accordance with the above, we ensure that the data is available to the creditor, authentic and unchanged.
The data will be deleted after the termination of the data management purpose, NAIH notice or after the deadline for data processing.
Complaint handling and modification of data
If you have any comments, or you wish to modify, forward your data to 3rd party, block or delete your registration, or personal information from our records, please contact us at any of our contact details above.
• We won’t delete such data that must be collected due to legal regulations.
• Blocked personal data can only be handled until a certain data handling purpose exists that excludes the deletion of personal data.
We will respond within 15 days to your request and we will fulfill your request for a deleting of your data within 5 business days. If Data Manager refuses a claim from the data provider, we will send a reasoned reply within 15 days.
If you object to data handling, we will inform you within 15 days of the receipt of your objection statement.
You can un-subscribe from our newsletter service with the link at the end of the newsletter or by sending a clear statement to our above mentioned e-mail address.
In case of user request, once a year, within 30 days we give personalized information of the handled data about the user: data processed by data manager, source of data, purpose of data handling, plea, period, data manager’s name, address, data management related activity and plea of data forwarding and consignee if there was. If user ask data more frequently than 1 year, we are entitled to provide data only for a fee.
If you have a complaint, because according to your opinion the data hander violated any legal regulations, before turning to supervisory organizations please contact us.
The consumer can file complaint also by National Data Protectional and Informational Freedom Authority (HU: Nemzeti Adatvédelmi és Információszabadság Hatóság)
Head office: Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c, Budapest, 1125 Hungary
Mailing Address: 1530 Budapest, Pf.: 5.
Phone: +36 (1)391-1400
website: http://naih.hu
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If the data handler violates the law, doesn’t perform the request of data owner/subject, does harm, or you don’t agree with the answer received, you can go to court with your complaint within 30 days in which case the court will attend out of turn.
Relevant legislation:
• 1992. LXIII. - Privacy Act
• 1995. CXIX. Act
• 2000. C. Act
• 2001. CVIII. Act
• 2005. XC. Act
• 2008. XLVII. Act
• 2008. XLVIII. Act
• 2011. CXII. Act
• GDPR, 2016/679/EU